Live Town Halls

I am always looking for new ways to stay connected with constituents in Calgary Shepard, hear your concerns, and answer your questions. That is why I have a started doing regular live online town halls where constituents can ask me anything and I’ll do my best to answer.

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Previously Aired Town Halls

Live Town Hall #28 – October 21st, 2020

This episode: My thoughts on the latest confidence vote and answering constituent questions.

Live Town Hall #27 – September 27th, 2020
This episode: Discussing my proposed equalization fairness law that I will introduce in Parliament.

Live Town Hall #26 – September 26th 2020
This episode: My thoughts on the Liberal government’s Throne Speech and their failure to include anything for Albertans.

Live Town Hall #25 – July 7, 2020
This episode: Answering constituent questions on COVID-19 vaccines, Canada’s relationship with the People’s Republic of China, Canadian foreign policy, the LGBT+ blood ban, and much more!

Live Town Hall #24 – June 9, 2020
This episode: Answering constituent questions on the relaunch of our economy, Black Lives Matter, supporting the energy sector, the state of our economy, advice for aspiring politicians, and much much more!

Live Town Hall #23 – April 28, 2020
This episode: Taking constituent questions on COVID-19, the government’s response, China’s lies, the impact on our economy, and more.

Live Town Hall #22 – April 23, 2020
This episode: The State of Canada’s Energy Sector! Discussing how Alberta’s energy sector has been impacted over the past months. Ft. MP Shannon Stubbs (Shadow Minister for Natural Resources)

Live Town Hall #21 – April 23, 2020
This episode: Taking constituent questions live on my digital town hall! COVID-19, the reopening of the economy, the impact of our economy, and the months ahead.

Live Town Hall #20 – April 21, 2020
This episode: Talking small business concerns during COVID-19. Answering your questions for the next hour on how small business owners are being impacted by COVID-19. Ft. James Cumming (Shadow Minister for Small Business)

Live Town Hall #19 – April 21, 2020
This episode: Taking constituents questions on COVID-19 and the new normal we are facing.

Live Town Hall #18 – April 17, 2020
This episode: Join me, MP Matt Jeneroux, and MP John Nater for a live Facebook hangout. We will be discussing the events this week at Parliament’s Health committee, the government’s handling of COVID-19, and taking your questions.

Live Town Hall #17 – April 13, 2020
This episode: Live Hangout with MPs Kmiec, Schmale, and McCauley discussing the COVID-19 outbreak.

Live Town Hall #16 – March 13, 2020
This episode: COVID-19 outbreak, economic crisis, and the state of the equalization formula

Live Town Hall #15 – February 27, 2020
This episode: The Teck Frontier mine, the Buffalo Declaration and the ongoing rail blockades across Canada.

Live Town Hall #14 – February 7, 2020
This episode: The future of 5G, the Liberal firearms ban, energy sector dithering, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and Flight 752.

Live Town Hall #12 – December 14, 2019
This episode: End of year update to Calgary Shepard constituents

Live Town Hall #11 – December 5, 2019
This episode: The top issues in the minority parliament ahead

Live Town Hall #10 – November 7, 2019
This episode: Post-election update from Ottawa.

Live Town Hall #9 – June 19, 2019
This episode: A real plan for the environment, Bill C-69, The Liberals attack on the energy sector, and why universal pharmacare won’t work.

Live Town Hall #8 – June 5, 2019
This episode: Firearms bans, Bill C-39, protecting our oceans, cannabis possession, and criminal justice.

Live Town Hall #3 – March 20, 2019
This episode: Liberal’s 2019 cover-up budget, the SNC-Lavalin corruption scandal, and the Liberals failings on pipelines!

Archived Town Halls